Manage your files.
Stored securely and safely in the cloud. There when you, or anyone else in your strata, needs them.
Find exactly what you need.
Powerful filtering tools to find the documents you are looking for.
See the future.
Easily share information about upcoming Strata events. Automatically send email reminders before an important date.
Amentity booking.
Specify bookable amenities and allow members to automatically book them with or without strata approval.
Plan ahead.
Plan meetings based on what's happening in your strata's Strataspheric account.
Stay connected.
Receieve, discuss, and respond to strata members. Archive messages to reference whenever you need to.
Supports Strata management through 3rd party services via a powerful, permissions-based usage model. Realtors can easily search for Stratas and request important documents through the portal.
Multi-year contracts only benefit the platform. Our plans are and will always be monthly giving you the freedom to try us out with little to no risk.